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Slightly Warming Water

bass 3.jpgWhen it comes to weather and its affect on how the fish respond nothing changes the bite more than a few degrees of water temperature increase in the early spring time. This year with all the constant up and down weather change, it has been extremely evident. The increase in water temperature affect is not only noticeable during the change of real cold water like in the 40s moving to the 50s; but it also is extremely obvious in the change of 55 degree water to 57 degree water and this phoneme continues with all water temperature change throughout the spring time.

I always knew that this increase moved the bass and increased their body movement but the change from slight temperature increase has been extremely noticeable this year. The key is knowing when to move to the shallow water with the slight changes in water temperature. The keys to this is the difference in catching or not; so here is what I look for!

First thing that is important to me is the type of day we are experiencing in other words is it sunny or cloudy. There is no question that in this late winter time frame the sun moves the water temperature from the early part of the day to the mid and later part. This is my key to start hunting warmer water when I am struggling to find a bite, the bass will turn on just like a light bulb when we see this sunny weather make slight changes in water temperature.

Many times the movement is very near the deep water so look for main river points then bays around them to find the water temperature change. Bass migrate back and forth in the night time and the main river points and bays show the quickest improvement. In the early spring we get a lot of rain, and there is generally mud lines from the main river to the bays or main points; mud lines always show water temperature increase. Fishing the edge of the mud lines can be critical as the fish will hang on the mud line next to the increased water temperature area and greatly improve your fishing day. Subtle changes upward in water temperature can make or break your day on the water; so be aware of your weather elements! 

Fish With Captain Mike Gerry on Lake Guntersville - Fish Lake Guntersville Guide Service 

To learn more about Lake Guntersville visit Lake Guntersville on FishAssist


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